Wednesday, January 12, 2011

When I Remember

When I remember Your anguish in that garden,
How You weep a bitter cry!
When I remember the sorrow You bore,
Still Your heart is in peace, You pray; and
Your sweat are like drops of blood.
You were sad, alone in the silence.
Who am I Lord? Your love is too great for me, a sinner!
O I lift up my soul to You, O Jesus, my Savior!

When I remember how You were betrayed,
You were denied, You were mocked, You were scourged!
When I remember Your suffering,
O the blood-drenched body, O the crown of thorns!
The lashes of  my sins were pierced into Your holy flesh,
There is no beauty in You! No comeliness!
Who am I Lord? Surely, there is no greater love,
Than the love You showed to me, O Jesus, my Savior!

When I remember Your pain, how You were slaughtered,
Like a lamb so meek, You were still,
When I remember the weight of the cross You bore,
Like the weight of my sins, so heavy, so shameful!
You Who knew no iniquity have carried it for me,
You Who knew no sin is going to die for me!
Who am I Lord? I'm a wretched being, and You loved me,
And now my soul rejoices in You, O Jesus, my Savior!

When I remember the huge nails nailed into Your hands,
The cross You carried, there also You were hanged,
When I remember how thirsty You are that day,
O how painful are Your wounds! Still, You endured the shame.
I'm a sinner! Child of iniquity! Transgressor! Wretched!
And O the Lamb of God, so clean, so pure,
The Lamb of God, so righteous, unblemished,
Has offered die for me.

When I remember Your death,
How You shed Your precious blood,
When I remember how You washed and cleansed me, a filth,
My heart and soul are lifted, to glorify and magnify You.
O Lord Jesus, When I remember You, Keeper of my soul,
There is joy beyond compare! Nothing is so sweet to my lips,
Than to praise You, and worship You alone!
I love You, and I lift my myself to You, O Jesus, my Savior!

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